
  • Brainpan Tryhackme Writeup

    Today I bring you the writeup of Brainpan, a tryhackme machine focused on Buffer Overflow, here we go! First we start with a port scan to see which ports are open. nmap -sC -sV -p- --min-rate 5000 IP With -p- we indicate that we want it to look at all...

  • Enterprise Tryhackme Writeup

    Today I bring you the writeup of Enterprise, a tryhackme machine focused on Active Directory exploitation, here we go! First we start with a port scan to see which ports are open. nmap -p- --min-rate 5000 IP -Pn With -p- we indicate that we want it to look at all...

  • Relevant Tryhackme Writeup

    Today I bring you the writeup of Relevant, a tryhackme machine focused on windows exploitation, here we go! First we start with a port scan to see which ports are open. nmap -p- --min-rate 5000 IP -Pn With -p- we indicate that we want it to look at all ports,...