
Hacking Resources

In this post I share with you web resources that I use a lot

A little bit of everything

HackTricks It has everything, web exploitation, systems, AD, etc.

PayloadsAllTheThings It is like hacktricks but very focused on payloads.

Information gathering

IPv4Info Info about IPs, ranges, etc.

DNSDumpster dns recon & research, find & lookup dns records.

ViewDNSinfo Online tool with many options such as whois, nslookup, etc.


OSINTframework Links to OSINT depending on the information you have.


ExploitDB Exploits.

AttackerKB Exploits.

Active Directory

WADComs Use of AD tools according to the information you have and the stage you are in.


SQLmap sheet Sheet of sqlmap.

JWT Modify and decode JWT.

Wrappers PHP PHP filters for LFI or RFI.

Magic Numbers Magic Numbers for file upload vulnerabilities.


GTFOBins Privilege escalation binaries in Linux.

LOLBAS Privilege escalation binaries in Windows.


Cyberchef Encode and decode many types of encodings.

dCode Encode and decode many types of encodings.

Hashcat hashes Example hashes for hashcat attacks.